
Dashboards, Templates

How I Made My Yearly Content Review In Notion

My annual review is the result of wanting to create a page that displays all analytics from online projects in the last twelve months. There are two core Notion databases here. One is for a monthly review where all data is gathered, and the other is for three main areas to analyze: my blog, Twitter, and YouTube. Here is how I used the data from each monthly review to create a 2021 review.

Dashboards, Templates

How I Made My Notion Content Calendar (Template)

Creating a content calendar in Notion is a breeze with database views like calendar and borad view. If you are new to Notion or a veteran, a custom calendar can be setup with a few key properties. In the video below I show you how I customized my personal content calendar for my blog and YouTube channel. Maybe it can give you some inspiration for your own build.