With the addition of Notion’s new progress bar feature, habit trackers can now include analytical properties with rollups. Notion allows the rollup property to produce progress bars, and this is how I would use the new functionality to create an analytical habit tracker to track both completion rates of individual habits and determine what weekdays produce the best results.
Design, Database, Dashboards, Planning
Free 2022-2023 Calendar Covers For Notion
Claim your free copy of 2022-2023 calendar covers for Notion in 6 color way themes. Below is a collection of calendars between September 2022 and December 2023 with weekly pages included too. The template, available to duplicate at the bottom of the article, nests all corresponding weeks with their parent month in the body of every month page.
Notion Made Easy: How To Build A Web Bookmark Dashboard
In this comprehensive Notion tutorial, I’ll show you how to build a web clipping database from scratch with a free template at the bottom of the article. A web bookmark dashboard is an essential addition to the native Notion web clipper or other third-party browser extension that help you bring web pages into your Notion workspace.
How I Created A Subtask Checklist In Notion
Create a smart checklist in Notion that incorporates connected tasks and projects into a grouped view to quickly add, edit, and check off tasks without navigating to another page. Also, make projects and their subtasks disappear into an archive upon completion. This is a page design that utilizes the linked database and formulas to help organize and prioritize tasks in your Notion checklist.
Free Notion Template: A Job Search Dashboard
I created a job search Notion dashboard to save new job listings, interviews, and company information. This free template is designed to guide the user through six steps to add a listing’s basic information, role, description, qualifications, benefits, and more inside one Notion dashboard. There is also a place to quickly add and manage interviews.
How To Make A Tech Stack in Notion (Free Template)
Create a minimal tech stack inside Notion to share with the public or your team. Included are two databases. One database populates the tech you or your team uses. The other is for a project pipeline. Connect your tools to the projects that use them in your Notion roadmap. Create a files & media rollup to visualize a project’s tech stack nicely too.
Planning, Database, Dashboards
5 Minimal Notion Templates To Start Your Workspace
Here are five valuable starter templates that can get your Notion workspace on the right footing. Some popular templates of mine include a wiki, notebook, habit tracker, goal planner, and class schedule. I tackled the chore of simplifying these templates for your workspace. They are “skeleton” templates that can be customized.
A Clean Notion Dashboard To View Subtasks (Free Template)
There are many options to view your tasks in Notion, including a table, kanban, and gantt chart. In this clean dashboard template, I include a variety of windows to access stacked tasks in the program. Stacked tasks are a collection of to-dos that can be simplified into small manageable objectives. The layers in this stackable workspace are Area, Parent Task/Project, Subtask, and Timetable.
Planning, Relations, Templates, Dashboards
How To Build A Reading Bookshelf In Notion (2022)
I shared my 2022 Notion dashboard on YouTube and mentioned a bookshelf database setup with a book cover gallery. I have been thoroughly enjoying this workspace thus far and wanted to share how my 2022 reading bookshelf was built. Included are two databases; one for books and another for genres.
How I Made My Yearly Content Review In Notion
My annual review is the result of wanting to create a page that displays all analytics from online projects in the last twelve months. There are two core Notion databases here. One is for a monthly review where all data is gathered, and the other is for three main areas to analyze: my blog, Twitter, and YouTube. Here is how I used the data from each monthly review to create a 2021 review.
13 Aesthetic Notion Setups That I Love From 2021
This year has been quite a successful year for the program There has been tons of updates and tweaks to strengthen performance and allow for more interesting Notion dashboards. The subreddit is a haven for creative and inspiring dashboard designs as a result. Here are thirteen showcases from the community that caught my eye this year.
Free Notion Template: Editorial Content Calendar
This Notion Dashboard Was Made With One Formula
Build a Notion dashboard with a single formula. This setup is designed for users who want a read only dashboard to compartmentalize deadlines in three different views: Tasks for today, Tasks this week, and Tasks for later. These views use Notion features like Timeline, Boardview, Grouping, Formula, and Math Block.
16 Powerful Notion Apps and Tools
Want to create a more customizable workspace in Notion? Is there something the native app doesn’t have that you wish it did? Maybe this list can help. Here are sixteen powerful apps and tools you can implement right now! The Notion community has created charts, forms, automations, widgets, and more. Here’s just a few that I love.
Notion Template For Students: Book Notes
A Simple Food Diary Template In Notion
How to Make A Modular Tag Wall In Notion
Looking for a new way to organize your Notion page or dashboard? Give this modular block idea a try. It’s a minimal approach to organize tasks, tags, and/or links with a blocked grid. Below is how to create a single block with a linked gallery database inside. You can use this design method with most block types!
Notion for Finance: A Monthly Budget Manager
A zero-based budget planner in Notion available in light and dark-mode. This budget manager is an upgrade from my previous finance template, the Personal Cashflow. Included is a robust budget table with examples to start, total/monthly balances, the ability to review all monthly spending/earning activity, and itemized spending habits.
Notion Template: A Student Starter Dashboard
The school year is right around the corner. Here is a student starter template to get you started in Notion as a student. Included is a class directory with all essential class info, a master calendar, and notebook database. I show you how to connect each database to create a working system. And of course, it is free to duplicate.
Free Comprehensive Second Brain Notion Template
How to use a second brain system in Notion to organize and collect information, conduct efficient task management, and allow the user to share knowledge accumulated. This system closely resembles and uses principles from the PARA system. Copy the template below and follow the walkthrough about how to use it.