After creating this habit tracker in Notion, I wondered if there were an easier approach to finding the percentage of ticked checkboxes in a given row. It can be shortened using the unaryPlus function, of which converts true with the number 1 and false with 0. Below is the formula in action via a simple tasks database.
How To Insert Holidays Into A Notion Calendar
How does one pre-fill holidays inside a Notion calendar? This Notion formula will do the trick, however, your calendar must already have pre-filled date properties for it to work. The formula requires a date to read. As well, I want to show you how I return fluid holidays like Mother’s and Father’s day.
Notion For Freelancers: Track Paid Working Hours
Notion Formula: Difference Between Two Values In The Same Column
How I Created A Decision-Making Database In Notion
How To Add Business Days In Notion
Let's look at how to return dates within a business week parameter. If you are returning a number of days after a date, but want to exclude all weekends, here a few ways to accomplish that. I go through the long-form and short-form formula styles to return the same result. I go over nesting and the use of a matrix.
Notion Tip: Calculate With Numbers In Relations/Text Properties
Here are some tips for those seeking to minimize their Notion databases. Formulas can be used to manipulate number, text, and date properties, however, not all elements of a database have to live in separate properties to produce a successful formula. In the following example, I show you how to use relations and numbers in text properties to return a calculation.
Notion Deadline Tip: Count Days Remaining And Days Overdue
Notion Tips: Remove And Replace Characters
Check Out My Smart Task Planner In Notion
If you’re looking for the ability to allocate tasks into a timetable, but have a hard time figuring out how much time each task should be alloted, I created this smart task planner to do that work for you. All you’ll need to know is how many hours you have available to work, and task difficulty between 1-10.
Notion Template: Simple Monthly Budget Planning
Planning With Notion: Display Recurring Weekday Tasks
During today's noodling inside Notion I set out to create a "content distribution" table that displays certain tasks assigned to a particular weekday. For instance, my table will show me content that must be distributed on Sundays only when today is Sunday. As well, I figure out how I can integrate "every other week" and "monthly" options.
Notion Template: Save Tweets And Include Tags In Webclipper
I've been neglecting my webclipper for quite a while due to my lack of what to save. Since I've been on Twitter more than I probably should, I figured I'd create a database in Notion that saves my favorite tweets. In addition to saving tweets, I created a formula property that extracts a profile's handle and another property to makeshift tag automation for webclipper.
Database, Relations, Program Functions
How To Build A Timeline With Notion Board View
Notion has teased the upcoming “timeline” feature for quite a while with no discernable release date, however, if you’re looking for the ability to build a timeline that spans a vast amount of time (ie. years or centuries), this is what I’ve been using for my history notes. As well, I will show you how to connect notes to this timeline with relation properties.
Database, Dashboards, Planning, Relations
Notion Template For Teachers: Student Attendance Database
Notion Students: Create A GPA Calculator With This Formula
As the school year gets closer and closer, I want to share some tips and tricks for the students on Notion (of which there is a ton!). Here is a great place to start building the perfect student dashboard. Tuck this table away in a toggle perhaps and keep track of your GPA and letter grades over the semesters.
Notion Showcase: To-Do List And Timetable Planner Setup
Notion Formula: Find Progress Between Date Range
Find percentage of completion inside a Notion date range. In this tutorial, I will show you how to find percentage of a date range complete in relation to today and how to incorporate an emoji progress bar. What this formula returns: If date range includes today, return percentage of range complete. Otherwise, leave cell blank.