๐ฎ GPA Converter
As the school year gets closer and closer, I want to share some tips and tricks for the students on Notion (of which there is a ton!). Here is a great place to start building the perfect student dashboard. Tuck this table away in a toggle perhaps and keep track of your GPA and letter grades over the semesters.
Standard U.S GPA Scale
GPA Formula
if(prop("Grade") > .96, 4.33, if(prop("Grade") > .92, 4, if(prop("Grade") > .89, 3.7, if(prop("Grade") > .86, 3.3, if(prop("Grade") > .82, 3, if(prop("Grade") > .79, 2.7, if(prop("Grade") > .76, 2.3, if(prop("Grade") > .72, 2, if(prop("Grade") > .69, 1.7, if(prop("Grade") > .66, 1.3, if(prop("Grade") > .65, 1, 0)))))))))))
Letter Grade Formula
if(prop("Grade") > .96, "A+", if(prop("Grade") > .92, "A", if(prop("Grade") > .89, "A-", if(prop("Grade") > .86, "B+", if(prop("Grade") > .82, "B", if(prop("Grade") > .79, "B-", if(prop("Grade") > .76, "C+", if(prop("Grade") > .72, "C", if(prop("Grade") > .69, "C-", if(prop("Grade") > .66, "D+", if(prop("Grade") > .65, "D", "F")))))))))))