Free 2022-2023 Template
Claim your free copy of 2022-2023 calendar covers for Notion in 6 color way themes. Below is a collection of calendars between September 2022 and December 2023 with weekly pages included too. The template, available to duplicate at the bottom of the article, nests all corresponding weeks with their parent month in the body of every month page. As well, there is a progress bar for every month and week page. Here’s how it works.
2022-2023 Calendar Covers
Every calendar comes in a different color way. There are six options to choose from. These calendars are great for personal workspaces and Notion template/workspace builders too.
Every month and week card includes a progress bar that looks like this:
The formula only requires a date property named “Date Range” with a start and end date in the field. In a separate formula property input the following code:
if(end(prop("Date Range")) < now(), 1, if(prop("Month?") and formatDate(prop("Date Range"), "MY") == formatDate(now(), "MY"), floor(1000 * date(now()) / date(end(prop("Date Range")))) / 1000, if(dateBetween(now(), start(prop("Date Range")), "hours") / dateBetween(end(prop("Date Range")), start(prop("Date Range")), "hours") < 0, 0, floor(1000 * dateBetween(now(), start(prop("Date Range")), "hours") / dateBetween(end(prop("Date Range")), start(prop("Date Range")), "hours")) / 1000)))
The Monthly Notion Pages
Every month page includes all corresponding weeks inside the body. Every week is labelled as the week number in the year with a progress bar.
Each month card is connected to its corresponding weeks via the relation property. The relation acts as a connector between pages in Notion. In this case, the pages being connected are in the same database which is made clear in the Related to field. This connection was made manually.
The database includes a database template called “New Month” that allows the user to create the weekly view in the body of the page. Here is where to locate/edit the template: database menu > arrow next to new > new month.
Weekly Timetable Notion Template
You may have noticed the second database template called “New Week.” This template can be triggered while inside a weekly card. Seven toggles for every day of the week will appear. Inside each is a basic table designed as a timetable with hourly intervals.
How To Change and Edit Theme Colors
To switch between different color themes, locate the database menu > layout > card preview > and change the files & media property theme you desire. There are six different options.