โด๏ธ Drag & Drop Tasks
I thought it fitting to end the year with a customizable productivity dashboard template in Notion. For those looking to understand Notion system building better or simply to find workspace inspiration, this video may help. I explore filters, linked databases, formulas, and share tips to address problems in a system.
Day Due Formula
if(formatDate(now(), "MMM DD, YYYY") == formatDate(end(prop("Due Date")), "MMM DD, YYYY"), "โ Due Today", if(dateBetween(end(prop("Due Date")), now(), "days") > -1 and dateBetween(end(prop("Due Date")), now(), "days") < 6, "๐ " + formatDate(end(prop("Due Date")), "dddd"), formatDate(end(prop("Due Date")), "MM/DD/YY")))