
A KaTeX Table Cheat Sheet For Notion


🧮 KaTeX Arrays

Create non-database tables in Notion with the math block inside Notion. This block option allows for KaTeX formatting of which can create mathematical equations, custom tables, and more with a little creativity. The following KaTeX examples focus on different table stylings to copy and customize inside your workspace.

  • Trigger Math Block: “/Math”

  • How to turn the following code into an Inline table: “$$ code here … $$”

Checkbox Table

Screen Shot 2020-12-23 at 11.09.39 AM.png
Daily & Mo & Tu & We & Th & Fr & Sa & Su \\ \hline
Run & [x] & [] & [x] & [x] & [] & [x] & []\\
Work & [x] & [x] & [x] & [x] & [] & [] & [x] \\ 
Meds & [x] & [] & [x] & [] & [x] & [] & [] \\
\end {array}

4 Quadrant Matrix

Screen Shot 2020-12-23 at 11.14.00 AM.png
\text{Quad 1} & 
\text{Quad 2} \\ \\ \hdashline \\
\text{Quad 3} & 
\text{Quad 4}\\
\end {array}

Classic Table

Screen Shot 2020-12-23 at 11.15.41 AM.png
\color{blue}\text{Accents} & 
\color{red}\text{Name} & 
\color{red}\text{French} & 
\color{red}\text{Letters Used} \\ \hline & 
\text{acute accent} & 
\text{accent aigu} & 
\text{é only} \\ \hdashline & 
\text{grave accent} & 
\text{accent grave} & 
\text{è, à, ù } \\ \hdashline & 
\text{circumflex} & 
\text{accent circonflexe} & 
\text{â, ê, î, ô, û} \\ \hdashline & 
\text{diaeresis} & 
\text{tréma} & 
\text{ë, ï, ü, ÿ} &  
\\ \hdashline & 
\text{cedilla} & 
\text{cédille} & 
\text{ç only } 

Simple Table

Screen Shot 2020-12-23 at 11.16.33 AM.png
\text{Title 1} & 
\text{Title 2} & 
\text{Title 3} & 
\text{Title 4} & 
\text{Title 5} \\ \hline \\
\text{Data}^1 & 
\text{Data}^2 &   
\text{Data}^3 & 
\text{Data}^4 &
\end {array}

Pro & Con List

Screen Shot 2020-12-23 at 11.17.43 AM.png
\color{green}\fbox{Pro} & 
\color{red}\fbox{Con} \\ \hline
\text{Data that is positive} & 
\text{Data that is negative} & \\ \\
\text{Data that is positive} & 
\text{Data that is negative} & \\ \\
\text{Data that is positive} & 
\text{Data that is negative} & \\ \\
\text{Data that is positive} & 
\text{Data that is negative} & 
\end {array}

Complex Table

Screen Shot 2020-12-23 at 11.42.09 AM.png
\colorbox{yellow}{Title Here} & 
\text{Sub Title} \\ \hline \\
\text{Data 1} & 
\text{SubData For Data 1} \\ & 
\text{SubData For Data 1} \\ & 
\text{SubData For Data 1} \\ \\
\text{Data 2} & 
\text{SubData For Data 2} \\ & 
\text{SubData For Data 2} \\ & 
\text{SubData For Data 2} \\ \\
\text{Data 3} & 
\text{SubData For Data 3} \\ & 
\text{SubData For Data 3} \\ & 
\text{SubData For Data 3} \\
\end {array}