Database, Planning

I Made A World Atlas To Duplicate Into Notion


📍 Notion World Atlas

Using this dataset in csv format I was able to quickly import a world atlas into Notion in under ten minutes! I imported the dataset of every country in the world into a neat gallery and proceeded to create filters for every major and subordinate region. Feel free to duplicate the atlas and use it for your next big Notion project. Here is what’s inside.

The Original Database Import

After importing the dataset, I changed a lot of the Text Properties to Multi-Select including the flag emojis, languages, demonyms, currencies, sub regions, and more.

I kept the original database away from the atlas presentation inside a toggle called “Original Database.”


The Regions

This Gallery View is divided into six continent areas (North and South America merged into Americas), and each page directs you to a list of countries.


The Countries

Each continent has a list of All Countries in a Gallery View.

The Sub Region List Views

And there are other List View database options for Subordinate Regions.

Screen Shot 2021-10-05 at 11.54.47 AM.png

Information Countries Come With

Each country has a list of unique properties that describe things such as languages used, demonyms, currencies, alternate spellings, and more.


Further Reading