🔎 Block Embed Navigation
I have a “Main Hub” or “Welcome” page in my Roam Research graph. This page is setup to help me navigate through active projects, or pages, I’m working in currently. I set out to embed this main hub directory into the header of every project page using this simple embed function.
The Navigation Block In Action
Step 1: On Any Page Setup A List Of Links You Want To Navigate
In this case, I created a Main Hub. Remember to nest all links inside a parent block. Below, Navigation is the title of my parent block.
Step 2: Navigate To Every Link And Insert This Embed
I place each navigation block at the head of the page.
Trigger: “/block embed“
The program will prompt you to search for a block. Search for the name of your navigation block parent (ie. like above, mine is Navigation).
What A Block Embed Can Do
You can edit inside this embed and changes will be made globally.
You can collapse all links under the parent block by clicking on the far left border.
… and navigate via references
… and click on each link (page title) to expand all blocks within each page