🍏 Date Formula List
Looking into creating your next build in Notion with date formulas? Here is a list of short-medium length formulas that only require a date or date-range property. The building potential in Notion is incredible regarding dates and task management, and with a little rearranging and if-statement knowledge, one can make some really cool and useful databases.
202-2023 Calendars
A bundle of calendar images for Notion galleries that span from Sep 2022 to Dec 2023 + more!
Tip: Replace every instance of prop(“Date”) or prop(“Date-Range”) with now() to use these formulas with the current date and time.
Link to example database below
1. Date Is Tomorrow
formatDate(dateAdd(now(), 1, "days"), "L") == formatDate(prop("Date"), "L")
2. Date Is Today
formatDate(prop("Date"), "L") == formatDate(now(), "L")
3. Date Is Before Or On Today
now() > prop("Date")
4. Date Is Before Today
now() > prop("Date") and formatDate(prop("Date"), "L") != formatDate(now(), "L")
5. Date Is After Or On Today
formatDate(now(), "L") == formatDate(prop("Date"), "L") or now() < prop("Date")
6. Date Is After Today
now() < prop("Date")
7. Date Lands In This Week (M-Su)
formatDate(prop("Date"), "W") == formatDate(now(), "W")
8. Date Lands In This Week (Su-Sa)
formatDate(prop("Date"), "w") == formatDate(now(), "w")
9. Today Falls Within Date-Range
now() > start(prop("Date-Range")) and now() < end(prop("Date-Range")) or or(formatDate(now(), "L") == formatDate(start(prop("Date-Range")), "L"), formatDate(now(), "L") == formatDate(end(prop("Date-Range")), "L"))
10. From Date, Find Month And Return First Day Of Month
dateSubtract(prop("Date"), date(prop("Date")) - 1, "days")
11. From Date, Find Month And Return Last Day Of Month
dateSubtract(dateAdd(dateSubtract(prop("Date"), date(prop("Date")) - 1, "days"), 1, "months"), 1, "days")
12. Date Lands In Leap Year
if( year( prop("Date") ) % 4 == 0, if( year( prop("Date") ) % 100 == 0, if( year( prop("Date") ) % 400 == 0, true, false ), true ), false )
13. Week Number Of Month Date Lands In (M-Su)
ceil((date(prop("Date")) + day(dateSubtract(prop("Date"), date(prop("Date")) - 1, "days")) - 1) / 7)
14. Week Number Of Month Date Lands In (Su-Sa)
ceil((date(prop("Date")) + day(dateSubtract(prop("Date"), date(prop("Date")) - 1, "days"))) / 7)
15. Weekly Progress Indicator From Date (Su-Sa)
slice("◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️", 0, day(prop("Date")) * 2) + "🔲" + slice("◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️", 1, 14 - day(prop("Date")) * 2)
16. Weekly Progress Indicator From Date (M-Su)
if(day(prop("Date")) != 0, slice("◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️", 0, (day(prop("Date")) - 1) * 2) + "🔲" + slice("◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️", 1, 14 - (day(prop("Date")) - 1) * 2), "◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️🔲")
17. Total Days In Date's Month
date(dateSubtract(dateAdd(dateSubtract(prop("Date"), date(prop("Date")) - 1, "days"), 1, "months"), 1, "days"))
18. Total Weeks In Date's Month
ceil((date(dateSubtract(dateAdd(dateSubtract(prop("Date"), date(prop("Date")) - 1, "days"), 1, "months"), 1, "days")) + day(dateSubtract(dateSubtract(dateAdd(dateSubtract(prop("Date"), date(prop("Date")) - 1, "days"), 1, "months"), 1, "days"), date(dateSubtract(dateAdd(dateSubtract(prop("Date"), date(prop("Date")) - 1, "days"), 1, "months"), 1, "days")) - 1, "days"))) / 7)
19. Find Exact Hours Between Date-Range
round(10 * dateBetween(end(prop("Date-Range")), start(prop("Date-Range")), "minutes") / 60) / 10
20. Find Hours And Minutes Between Date-Range
format(dateBetween(end(prop("Date-Range")), start(prop("Date-Range")), "hours")) + " hr " + format(dateBetween(end(prop("Date-Range")), start(prop("Date-Range")), "minutes") % 60) + " min"
21. Find Days, Hours, And Minutes Between Date-Range
format(dateBetween(end(prop("Date-Range")), start(prop("Date-Range")), "days")) + " dy " + format(dateBetween(end(prop("Date-Range")), start(prop("Date-Range")), "hours") % 24) + " hr " + format(dateBetween(end(prop("Date-Range")), start(prop("Date-Range")), "minutes") % 60) + " min"
22. Find What Quarter Date Lands In
formatDate(prop("Date"), "Q")
23. Find Season From Date (Northern Hemisphere)
if(toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "DDD")) < 80, "🧤 Winter", if(toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "DDD")) < 172, "🌷 Spring", if(toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "DDD")) < 264, "🌞 Summer", if(toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "DDD")) > 354 and toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "DDD")) < 367, "🧤 Winter", "🍁 Fall"))))
24. Find Season From Date (Southern Hemisphere)
if(toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "DDD")) < 80, "🌞 Summer", if(toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "DDD")) < 172, "🍁 Fall", if(toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "DDD")) < 264, "🧤 Winter", if(toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "DDD")) > 354 and toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "DDD")) < 367, "🌞 Summer", "🌷 Spring"))))
25. Find Time Of Day (ie. morning) From Date
if(hour(prop("Date")) == 0, "", if(hour(prop("Date")) < 12, "Morning", if(hour(prop("Date")) < 17, "Afternoon", if(hour(prop("Date")) < 25, "Evening", ""))))
26. Find Time Of Day (ie. morning) From Date-Range
if(hour(start(prop("Date-Range"))) == 0 and hour(end(prop("Date-Range"))) == 0, "", if(hour(start(prop("Date-Range"))) < 12, "Morning → ", if(hour(start(prop("Date-Range"))) < 17, "Afternoon → ", if(hour(start(prop("Date-Range"))) < 25, "Evening → ", ""))) + if(hour(end(prop("Date-Range"))) < 12, "Morning", if(hour(end(prop("Date-Range"))) < 17, "Afternoon", if(hour(end(prop("Date-Range"))) < 25, "Evening", ""))))
27. Extract Time From Date
formatDate(prop("Date"), "h:mm A")
28. Extract Time From Date-Range
if(dateBetween(end(prop("Date-Range")), start(prop("Date-Range")), "days") < 1, formatDate(start(prop("Date-Range")), "h:mm A") + " → " + formatDate(end(prop("Date-Range")), "h:mm A"), "")
29. Find Weekday From Date
formatDate(prop("Date"), "dddd")
30. Find Weekday From End Of Date-Range
formatDate(end(prop("Date-Range")), "dddd")
Smart Deadline Formula Tutorial
Extra: Want more variations of date formulas? Here’s a list of every way to format dates in Notion. As well, with the addition of API and connectivity with other programs, Notion users may not need some of these formulas, which is great! I plan to make content that addresses these updates and the future potential of Notion as a task management power-house soon.