Planning, Dashboards

Minimal Notion Template: 30 Day Writing Habit


📅 With Daily Prompts!

Are you a writer using Notion? This template is for those who want to start a daily writing habit. Provided is a database from Day 1 to 30, navigation between yesterday and tomorrow in every page, a window to see days that land within this week (Mo-Su), and progress tracking too! Here’s how it works.

The Dashboard Zoomed Out

Click to expand

Click to expand


The Main Writing Database

Here the user goes to write daily. Each row is labeled from Day 1 to Day 30. Adding a new day is easy. Just click the “+New” button at the bottom of the table.

Click to expand

The Writing Database Properties

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  • Navigate to yesterday and tomorrow via two relation properties.

  • Input a date to automate the “Weekday” formula.

  • A “Short Prompt” select property is optional. Provided is a new one-word prompt for each day.

  • A property to include tags.

  • A Done checkbox when the day’s writing is complete.

  • A hidden formula property that determines if the date lies within this week (Mo-Su)


This Week Section

In a linked database above the original database is a filtered view for days that land only in the current week (Mo-Su).

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The Progress Bar

At the very top of the dashboard is a progress bar. This calculates the total progress as the “Done” checkboxes are ticked.

Everytime a new day is added, this progress window will update automatically. This is thanks to a filter and hidden relation connection between the databases.

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Further Reading