The Save to Notion chrome extension and this package tracking template can turn Notion into an online shopping hub. I use one page to show four database views. They include a view for saving wishlist items, tracking pending deliveries, deliveries that have arrived, and a calendar view. Here is how to use it.
The Database Properties
All Pending Deliveries View
This view is filtered to show only items that have been purchased and have not been delivered. Choose to send an item to Delivered database view by clicking on the delivered checkbox.
There is a separate list database view for packages already delivered.
All Wishlist Items View
Add all items to a wishlist into a boardview that works a lot like a mood board. This view is divided into four category options:
To Buy
Wish List
Save For
This database view is filtered to show only items that have not been purchased. Choose to send an item to Pending Deliveries database view by clicking on the purchased checkbox.
Package Delivery Calendar View
A calendar view provides another window into tracking pending and past deliveries. These cards can expand multiple days and show all items pending delivery and delivered.
Extra: The Brand property is a formula that can be used to extract the company name from any website url. Feel free to use it elsewhere. Good luck with your Notion setup!
How to create a one-click checklist using Notion. This includes a free template that can be used for personal or professional tasks. The recurring checklist is designed to simplify the process of adding checklists and completing projects, allowing you to focus on what needs to be done rather than spending time recreating repetitive to-do lists.
Notion formulas can now be used to create clickable links that make constructing and navigating URL links a breeze. Creating clickable links in Notion formulas only requires inputting the correct code that results in a url syntax (…). Below are instructions on how to generate clickable links in Notion formulas for maps, social media searches, Twitter profiles, Wikipedia, Goodreads, and Amazon.
There are many reasons why Notion is a great note-taking app. For starters, it's extremely user-friendly and easy to use. The interface is clean and simple, making it quick and easy to find what you're looking for. There are also tons of features and customization options available, so you can tailor the app to your specific needs. Here is how you can get started.
Utilize the immensely useful Notero integration with Notion to save and organize citations and web clippings from the Zotero browser extension and app. In this short tutorial, I show you how to get started with Notero in 2022, and where to add integrations in Notion. Here’s how it works.