
How To Show Current Week, Month And Quarter In Notion


📅 Filter Dates 101

There are several ways to filter and sort Notion databases by dates. The following formulas and filters can help a user create unique database views for entries. For example, filtering dates by the current week , by the current month, and by the current quarter. Formulas like this are necessary when filters alone don’t work. Here is how it works.

2022-2023 Calendars

A bundle of calendar images for Notion galleries that span from Sep 2022 to Dec 2023 + more!

How The Formulas Work

Each property determines if a single date falls within the current day, week (Mon-Sun), week (Sun-Sat), month, and quarter.

Click to expand

Today Formula

formatDate(prop("Date"), "MMM D, YYYY") == formatDate(now(), "MMM D, YYYY")

Current Week (M-Su)

formatDate(prop("Date"), "W") == formatDate(now(), "W")

Current Week (Su-Sa)

formatDate(prop("Date"), "w") == formatDate(now(), "w")

Current Month

formatDate(prop("Date"), "M") == formatDate(now(), "M")

Current Quarter

formatDate(prop("Date"), "Q") == formatDate(now(), "Q")


Filter Database Views

Filter a database view to show only the week, month or quarter with the formulas above and a filter.

Firstly, add a new database view.


Next, create a filter that shows the chosen formula property as true.

Screen Shot 2021-03-24 at 8.51.51 AM.png

Lastly, sort the view as Date Ascending to arrange the dates in chronological order.


Here’s A Template Where I Use This


Further Reading