🌬 Asthma Dashboard
This Notion dashboard is intended for those seeking a daily tracker for asthma symptoms in order to better understand trigger patterns. I recommend adding it to a personal health/lifestyle segment of your workspace. Below is a quick tutorial on how to make your own asthma tracker in Notion.
The following elements are included in this dashboard:
Peak Flow calculator - database
Calendar view - database
Asthma symptoms tracker - linked database
Weather widget - embed
Peak Flow Calculator (PEFR)
Let's begin with how to create a Peak Flow Calculator. This will determine an estimated flow rate with a formula. The following properties are needed to find a formula result:
Age - number
Height (inches) - number
Sex - select
Height (cm) converter - formula
prop("Height (inches)") * 2.54
Height (m) converter - formula
prop("Height (inches)") * .0254
These properties will be plugged into the following mathematical formulas:
Children PEFR = ((Height in cm - 100) x 5) + 100
Adult Men = (((Height in m x 5.48) + 1.58) - (Age x 0.041)) x 60
Adult Women = (((Height in m x 3.72) + 2.24) - (Age x 0.03)) x 60
And so, the Estimated Flow Rate formula will look like this:
if(prop("Age") > 17 and prop("Sex") == "F", round(100 * (prop("Height (m) conversion") * 3.72 + 2.24 - prop("Age") * 0.03) * 60) / 100, if(prop("Age") > 17 and prop("Sex") == "M", round(100 * (prop("Height (m) conversion") * 5.48 + 1.58 - prop("Age") * 0.041) * 60) / 100, if(prop("Age") < 18, round(100 * (prop("Height (cm) conversion") - 100) * 5 + 100) / 100, 0)))
Peak Flow Variability
Used to determine the daily asthma condition in comparison to a "healthy" patient. This formula will require only one extra property: Actual Flow Rate - number. The result will require this formula (feel free to change emojis):
if(prop("Actual Flow Rate") / prop("Estimated Flow Rate") >= .8, "💚Green Zone", if(prop("Actual Flow Rate") / prop("Estimated Flow Rate") >= .5, "💛Yellow Zone", if(prop("Actual Flow Rate") / prop("Estimated Flow Rate") < .5, "❤️Red Zone", "")))
Zone Explanation
Green Zone: Close to normal function
Yellow Zone: Narrow respiratory passage
Red Zone: Likely a medical emergency
Asthma Symptom Tracker
Next I provide an "/inline table" for daily asthma symptom tracking which has the following properties:
Date - date
Triggers - multi-select
Symptoms - multi-select
Severity - select
Weather - select (reference widget)
Relief Doses - number
Flow - select (reference calculator)
Notes - text