Find how many years it will take to achieve a financial goal under a compound interest savings account using Notion calculations such as : round, divide, and log(10). Most simple equations with a handful of variables are easy to translate into a notion table, especially if each property is manageable. Forecasting the amount of years to reach a compound interest return only needs the following properties:
Start Date
Principal $
Annual Interest Rate
Compound Frequency (Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-Annually)
Goal $
Here is the formula we’ll be plugging these properties into:
This Compound interest calculator finds “t” or Years to Goal. The following is where properties plug into the mathematical formula.
FV = Goal (or Future Value)
P = Principal
r = Annual Interest Rate
n = Compound Frequency
t = Years to Goal
Formula for Years to Goal:
round(round(log10(prop("Goal") / 5000) / log10(1 + prop("Annual Interest Rate") / prop("Frequency Hide")) / prop("Frequency Hide")))
Formula for Frequency Hide:
if(prop("Compound Frequency") == "Quarterly", 4, if(prop("Compound Frequency") == "Bi-Annually", 2, if(prop("Compound Frequency") == "Monthly", 12, 0)))