9 Useful Date And Time Notion Formulas

Date/Time Formula Tips

There are a great number of ways to manipulate dates in Notion with the formula property. For dates that include a time, traditional formulas may not work in the same way. The nine following formulas come straight from my formula archive, and they’ve helped me manage date/time properties in my Notion databases.


How To Use The Formulas

Replace prop(“Date w/ Time”) with name of date property with time included.

Replace prop(“Date Range”) with name of date property as date range with time included.


1. Find Today From Date With Time

formatDate(prop("Date w/ Time"), "L") == formatDate(now(), "L")

2. Find Tomorrow From Date With Time

formatDate(dateAdd(now(), 1, "days"), "L") == formatDate(prop("Date w/ Time"), "L")

3. Find Hours Between Date Range

floor(100 * dateBetween(end(prop("Date Range")), start(prop("Date Range")), "minutes") / 60) / 100

4. Find Days Left To Date With Time

if(formatDate(dateAdd(now(), 1, "days"), "L") == formatDate(prop("Date w/ Time"), "L"), 1, if(dateSubtract(prop("Date w/ Time"), hour(prop("Date w/ Time")), "hours") < now(), dateBetween(dateSubtract(prop("Date w/ Time"), hour(prop("Date w/ Time")), "hours"), now(), "days"), dateBetween(dateSubtract(prop("Date w/ Time"), hour(prop("Date w/ Time")), "hours"), now(), "days") + 1))

5. Find Days And Hours Left To Date

if(dateBetween(dateSubtract(prop("Date w/ Time"), hour(prop("Date w/ Time")), "hours"), dateSubtract(now(), hour(now()), "hours"), "days") < 0, "Past Date", if(formatDate(prop("Date w/ Time"), "L") == formatDate(now(), "L"), format(dateBetween(prop("Date w/ Time"), now(), "hours")) + " hr(s)", if(prop("Date w/ Time") > now(), format(dateBetween(dateSubtract(prop("Date w/ Time"), hour(prop("Date w/ Time")), "hours"), now(), "days") + 1) + " dy(s) " + format(hour(prop("Date w/ Time"))) + " hr(s)", "")))

6. Find Time Of Day From Date

if(hour(prop("Date w/ Time")) < 12, "Morning", if(hour(prop("Date w/ Time")) < 17, "Afternoon", if(hour(prop("Date w/ Time")) < 24, "Evening", "")))

7. Find Hours And Minutes Between Date Range

if(not empty(prop("Date Range")), format(dateBetween(end(prop("Date Range")), start(prop("Date Range")), "hours")) + " hr(s) " + format(dateBetween(end(prop("Date Range")), start(prop("Date Range")), "minutes") % 60) + " min(s)", "")

8. Find Percentage Of Day Complete

No other property outside the formula is needed.

slice("▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒", 0, floor(10 * hour(now()) / 24)) + "|" + slice("░░░░░░░░░░", 0, 10 - floor(10 * hour(now()) / 24)) + " " + format(floor(100 * hour(now()) / 24)) + "%”

9. Format A Unique Timestamp

The Created property is a Created time property and is required for this formula.

formatDate(prop("Created"), "YYYYMMDDhhmm")

Further Reading