🔔 Day & Time Remaining
As an extension of this blog post, I want to show you how a user can return a similar formula upon the addition of time values. There are 5 conditions in this formula which include future, present, and past deadlines that are sensitive to dates with and without time values.
Full Formula
if(contains(formatDate(prop("Deadline"), "MMM DD, YYYY"), formatDate(now(), "MMM DD, YYYY")) and hour(prop("Deadline")) == 0, "🔔Today", if(contains(formatDate(prop("Deadline"), "MMM DD, YYYY"), formatDate(now(), "MMM DD, YYYY")) and hour(prop("Deadline")) > hour(now()), "🔔" + format(ceil(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "hours"))) + "H : " + format(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "minutes") % 60) + "M", if(prop("Deadline") > now() and hour(prop("Deadline")) == 0, format(ceil(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "hours") / 24)) + "D ▶︎", if(prop("Deadline") > now(), concat(format(floor(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "hours") / 24)), "D : ", format(ceil(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "hours") % 24)), "H ▶︎"), if(formatDate(prop("Deadline"), "MMM DD, YYYY") < formatDate(now(), "MMM DD, YYYY"), "◀︎ " + format(abs(floor(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "hours") / 24))) + "D", "🔔Earlier")))))
5 Conditions (Breakdown)
*These conditions are formatted to work alone if you want to grab them individually
If today without time, return today
if(contains(formatDate(prop("Deadline"), "MMM DD, YYYY"), formatDate(now(), "MMM DD, YYYY")) and hour(prop("Deadline")) == 0, "🔔Today", "")
If within today and in the future, return hours + minutes remaining
if(contains(formatDate(prop("Deadline"), "MMM DD, YYYY"), formatDate(now(), "MMM DD, YYYY")) and hour(prop("Deadline")) > hour(now()), "🔔" + format(ceil(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "hours"))) + "H : " + format(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "minutes") % 60) + "M", "")
If future without time, return days remaining
if(prop("Deadline") > now() and hour(prop("Deadline")) == 0, format(ceil(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "hours") / 24)) + "D ▶︎", "")
If future with time, return days + hours remaining
if(prop("Deadline") > now(), concat(format(floor(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "hours") / 24)), "D : ", format(ceil(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "hours") % 24)), "H ▶︎"), "")
If past ≤ -1 day, return days past
if(formatDate(prop("Deadline"), "MMM DD, YYYY") < formatDate(now(), "MMM DD, YYYY"), "◀︎ " + format(abs(floor(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "hours") / 24))) + "D", "")
False Condition