Fun With Notion: Find Age And Generation From Birthday

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🎂 ? From Date

I like to use Notion for my history notes, and I like to have fun with my Who’s Who database of historical figures. After creating this zodiac formula, I set out to create a formula that can return the age of a person that is still living. As well, I wanted to know what generation they belong to.

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Find Age From Birthday

format(dateBetween(now(), prop("Birthday"), "years")) + " Years Old"

Find Generation From Birthday

Reference for generation info

if(year(prop("Birthday")) >= 2013, "Gen Alpha", if(year(prop("Birthday")) >= 1995, "Gen Z", if(year(prop("Birthday")) >= 1980, "Millennial", if(year(prop("Birthday")) >= 1975, "Xennial", if(year(prop("Birthday")) >= 1965, "Gen X", if(year(prop("Birthday")) >= 1946, "Boomer", if(year(prop("Birthday")) >= 1925, "Silent Generation", if(year(prop("Birthday")) >= 1910, "Greatest Generation", if(year(prop("Birthday")) >= 1901, "Interbellum Generation", if(year(prop("Birthday")) >= 1890, "Lost Generation", ""))))))))))

Find If Person’s Generation Is On The Cusp With Another

In this formula I determined that if year born is within 2 years of the generation start year, the person is considered on the cusp. (ie. Boomer/Gen X)

if(abs(year(prop("Birthday")) - 2013) < 2, "Gen Z/Gen Alpha", if(abs(year(prop("Birthday")) - 1995) < 2, "Millennial/Gen Z", if(abs(year(prop("Birthday")) - 1980) < 2, "Xennial/Millennial", if(abs(year(prop("Birthday")) - 1975) < 2, "Gen X/Xennial", if(abs(year(prop("Birthday")) - 1965) < 2, "Boomer/Gen X", if(abs(year(prop("Birthday")) - 1946) < 2, "Silent Generation/Boomer", if(abs(year(prop("Birthday")) - 1925) < 2, "Greatest Generation/Silent Generation", if(abs(year(prop("Birthday")) - 1910) < 2, "Interbellum Generation/Greatest Generation", if(abs(year(prop("Birthday")) - 1901) < 2, "Lost Generation/Interbellum Generation", "")))))))))