Design, Dashboards

My Favorite Dashboard Designs From The Notion Community


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My lurking activities in the Notion community have resulted in the accumulation of incredible inspiration. I thought I’d share some of my favorites right now in regards to dashboard design. Credit, of course, is linked in each caption. Please go show them some love!

The HQ Hub

Very clean and totally my style. I love the icons and am very curious about the “Master Plan” and “Relationships” links.

Green Home Hub

As a light mode enthusiast whose favorite color is green, this aesthetic is incredible. It doesn’t appear to be written in English but I can make out that it is a general life hub. I especially love the matching weather widget.

Massive Uni Student Setup

This is just part 1 of a bigger setup that is thoroughly explained here. There are two camps of Notion users. One that compartmentalizes in pages and one that links all databases into a waterfall setup. This is a great representation of the latter.

Personal Central Hub

Beautiful. I enjoy a calendar front and center as well. I don’t have a lot of pages in my dashboard but I may have to add a few after looking at this one. Inspiration everywhere. Check out his explanation of the dashboard and more pictures here.

Goals & Life Plans

Aside from the clean layout and nice icons, this is a great use of breaking up big ideas. I’m curious about “personality development.” Very cool, and I’m digging the motivational art on the side.

Adorable Life Dash

This dashboard incorporates a lot of external media and interesting elements. It’s cute as hell too. Notion users like this make me feel like I have zero creative ability. 😂


Life OS

I’m not a fan of dark mode but this user made it work. I usually use color for text. I never thought to colorize icons. Also, the minimal style is very pleasing to look at. The knowledge column is especially interesting. 10/10.

Want To See More Aesthetic Dashboards?

Here’s an updated list from 2021

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