
Notion Showcase: Design Inspo For LaTeX Formatting

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🌳 Notion Page Inspo

I want to quickly show you an example of a Notion page designed with LaTex. It’s easy enough, however, anything but efficient. If you're looking to prettify a static reference page like the self-care example presented below, this little trick may be of use. Trigger (/math) in an empty page to get started.

What My Self-Care Page Looks Like

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LaTex Elements Breakdown

My general layout for each information block is divided into two "/math" blocks, one for the title and one for the body text. The title looks like this:




  • Emojis can be used inside LaTex formatting!

  • Change color of text: \color{green}\text{INSERT TEXT HERE}

Body (Simple Text)

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\text{a) Concentration: focus on a single point or thought (5 minutes)} \\ \text{b) Mindful: drift through wandering thoughts from a birds-eye view (8 minutes)} \\ \text{c) Stillness: focus on remaining still and breathing patterns (5 minutes)}


  • One line of text: \text{INSERT TEXT HERE}

  • Line Break: \\

Body (Multi-Color Text)

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\text{a) Bath: relax and listen to audiobook \color{darkgray}+ relieves anxiety} \\ \text{b) Face mask: clean skin to feel refreshed and awake\color{darkgray} + gives me energy} \\ \text{c) Glasses: no irritating contacts\color{darkgray} + release tension on eyes}


  • Insert \color{green} before text you wish to change.

  • If in the same line of text as a default color, syntax will look like this: \text{ONE COLORED TEXT \color{darkgray}ANOTHER COLORED TEXT}

View Example