๐ ฐ Plan Relational Tasks
What is a nested tree model? In simplest terms, it is a nested hierarchy of data used especially inside relational databases. Let me show you how to use toggle to visualize and plan for Notion relations in a unique way.
First, this is what a nested tree model as a laminar system of sets looks like:
Let's create toggled blocks that act like a Russian doll of sorts.
Next, create a task timeline that follows this outline. In this case, I want to complete yellow-colored tasks outward. Here is an example of how I brainstorm hierarchical sorting of tasks. I essentially figure out what tasks are the most important. To do so, I identify all prerequisites with the "โ" symbol. For example:
An Explanation
Task A is a prerequisite for only Task C. There are 0 prerequisites for Task A
Task B is a prerequisite for only Tasks D and E. There are 0 prerequisites for Task B
Task C is a prerequisite for 0 tasks. Task A is the only prerequisite for Task C
Task D is a prerequisite for only Task E. Task B is the only prerequisite for Task D
Task E is a prerequisite for 0 tasks. Task B and Task D are the only prerequisites for Task E
How I order Above tasks
1st task: Task B. Why?
Task B has 0 prerequisites
Task B is required for multiple tasks, including tasks in other classes (Jackets).
2nd Task: Task D. Why?
Why Task D over Task A? I refer to a point system that is as follows:
Task has 0 prerequisites = 1
Task is a prerequisite for 1 task = 1
Task is a prerequisite for a pivotal task= 2 (pivotal tasks are bold)
Task is a prerequisite for multiple tasks = 2
Task is pivotal (satisfies a major goal within its class) = 2
3rd Task: Task A. Why?
Task A has 0 prerequisites
Task A is a prerequisite for 1 task
4th Task: Task E. Why?
Task E is a pivotal task with all prerequisites full-filled
5th Task: Task C. Why?
Task C is not of importance or necessary for other tasks. I would label this task as optional, thus making Task A less relevant. In this case, I would go back and adjust.
All of this may seem a bit over the top, but believe me, if your workspace is flooded with dozens of tasks of varying importance, it is vital to make a hierarchical chart of prerequisites. In the example above, I potentially knocked out two tasks that weren't as necessary as I once believed. Narrowing a big list of tasks can help tremendously for efficiency.