Red Gregory

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How to Set Custom Reminders for Deadlines in Notion

Let's discuss a must-have for Notion, deadline reminders! A formula to track progress is essential for any organization method and for those with a ton of time sensitive tasks, categorizing upcoming deadlines for maximum efficiency is a must (students especially!). I want to share a relatively simple 3-date setup for a double result formula. The two results will tell us the following:

  • Days Left

  • Priority

The following properties are needed for this to-do list database:

  • Task: Aa

  • Date Assigned: Date

  • Today: Formula

  • Deadline: Date

  • Days Left: Formula

  • Priority: Formula

To start, we'll construct a table with "/table-inline" and the properties from above:

The formula for Today:


This will grab the current date and will update every time you refresh the page, thus refreshing the progress properties, Days Left and Priority.

Now, let's look at the formula for Days Left:

dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), prop("Today"), "days")

"dateBetween" does exactly what it says. It returns a value between two dates. In this instance, we're grabbing the number of "days" between the "deadline" and "current date."

Next, the formula for Priority:

if(prop("Days Left") / dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), prop("Date Assigned"), "days") >= .75, "Prepare!", if(prop("Days Left") / dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), prop("Date Assigned"), "days") >= .35, "Get to Work!", if(prop("Days Left") / dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), prop("Date Assigned"), "days") >= .25, "Final Touches!", if(prop("Days Left") / dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), prop("Date Assigned"), "days") > 0, "Danger Zone!", "Past Date"))))

The breakdown of this formula is as follows:

  • if Days Left divided by "days" between Deadline and Date Assigned is greater than or equal to .75, show: Prepare!

  • if Days Left divided by "days" between Deadline and Date Assigned is greater than or equal to .35, show: Get to Work!

  • if Days Left divided by "days" between Deadline and Date Assigned is greater than or equal to .25, show: Final Touches!

  • if Days Left divided by "days" between Deadline and Date Assigned is greater than 0, show: Danger Zone!

  • Otherwise, show: blank


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