Layout, Students/Learners

How To Organize Textbook Notes In RemNote

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📕 Textbook Notes

RemNote is a program that encourages hierarchical note-taking, knowledge-management and flashcard generation — a one, two, three punch for learners from initial data to organization to retention. Alongside life-learners, students can especially benefit from RemNote’s features. Here is how a user can best organize textbook information.

Make each textbook a folder

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Make each chapter/section a document

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divide document into chapter subsection documents as well, thus turning chapters into folders.

This is in order to choose to study only subsection Rems.

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Parent-child bullet point relationships pack into summarized chunks inside subsection documents. There are different ways to setup notes within each subsection that will be transferred to flashcards [Reference image above].

  1. Non-flashcard notes are written in bullet points as plain text.

  2. Concepts with only a single definition (Concept:: Definition)

  3. Concepts with multiple child descriptors (Concept::: [press enter])

  4. Concepts with a single definition and child concepts (Concept:: Definition ... [enter+tab] more concepts and descriptors that relate to the parent)

Include snapshots of important diagrams and implement image occlusion

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Click on image and hide elements [press A and drag over elements you want to hide]

Click on image and hide elements [press A and drag over elements you want to hide]

Next, implement tags

For example, add #focus to concepts that need more explanation outside the textbook or are generally challenging to you.

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Click the tag, navigate to its page, and queue a separate flashcard deck for concepts that are only labelled “focus.”

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Create Specialized Decks For Key Terms

In the same way, tag concepts that are key terms, vocab or even important dates.

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As Well, Use Highlight Colors To Categorize Understanding

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Inside a “highlight” page, all highlights will allocate into separate pages. Upon clicking each color, a queue can be triggered. Or, queue all highlights.

Search “highlight” located at the bottom of your workspace to create a portal.

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