๐งฒ Round Number To โฆ
In addition to rounding numbers simply to the nearest 100th using Notion formulas, I want to show you how you can return numbers to the nearest midpoint (.5), multiple of 5, 10, and 25. This can be especially useful for those working with robust grading systems, inventory, analytics, etc. inside Notion databases.
On Rounding Numbers
You can replace any one of these formulas with the following functions.
round() - round number
ceil() - round number to highest return
floor() - round number to lowest return
Convert 77.019 โ 77.02
Convert 77.254 โ 77.25
Convert 77.519 โ 77.52
Convert 77.754 โ 77.75
round(100 * prop("Number")) / 100
Nearest Tenth
Convert 77.01 โ 77.
Convert 77.25 โ 77.3
Convert 77.51 โ 77.5
Convert 77.75 โ 77.8
round(10 *prop("Number")) / 10
Nearest Midpoint (.5)
Convert 77.01 โ 77
Convert 77.25 โ 77.5
Convert 77.51 โ 77.5
Convert 77.75 โ 78
round(prop("Number") / .5) * .5
Nearest Whole Number
Convert 77.01 โ 77
Convert 77.25 โ 77
Convert 77.51 โ 78
Convert 77.75 โ 78
Nearest Multiple Of 5
Convert 72 โ 70
Convert 73 โ 75
Convert 78 โ 80
round(prop("Number") / 5) * 5
Nearest Multiple Of 10
Convert 74 โ 70
Convert 75 โ 80
round(prop("Number") / 10) * 10
Nearest Multiple Of 25
Convert 12 โ 0
Convert 13 โ 25
Convert 38 โ 50
Convert 63 โ 75
Convert 88 โ 100
round(prop("Number") / 25) * 25