
Notion Template: Start Your Bibliography Archive Here

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⛳️ A Biblio Database

So I wanted to create a bibliography template in Notion that resembled the likes of Zotero, however, I had a hard time making this possible, considering I didn’t want to assume what elements were essential and which were not. Instead, I created a list of potential tags you may use in your own biblio database.

45 Common Properties To Choose From

  1. Type

  2. Abstract

  3. Date Accessed

  4. Archive

  5. Loc. In Archive

  6. Author(s)

  7. Director

  8. Call Number

  9. Date Published

  10. Interview With

  11. Edition

  12. ISBN

  13. DOI

  14. ISSN

  15. Journal Abbr.

  16. Language

  17. Library Catalog

  18. Issue

  19. Number of Pages

  20. Place

  21. Publication

  22. Publisher

  23. Distributor

  24. Studio

  25. Rights

  26. Series

  27. Series Number

  28. Short Title

  29. Genre

  30. Format

  31. Running Time

  32. Medium

  33. Bill Number

  34. Code

  35. Code Volume

  36. Code Pages

  37. Legislative Body

  38. Session

  39. Section

  40. Main Website

  41. URL

Note: If you are using Zotero (which I highly recommend), there is an option to export to CSV of which can be imported into Notion directly (CSV to Notion).

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