
How To Find Missing Values In A Notion Database

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๐Ÿ”Ž Empty Function

The empty function can come in handy especially for large Notion databases. This function simply looks for any cells that are not filled in and displays a true or false checkbox in return. I will also show you what is essentially the opposite of this - the test function.

Caution: The input of '0' is considered "empty."

What The Empty And Test Functions Do

Empty: Locates an empty cell.



Test: Locates a particular value in a cell.


test("1-2-3", "-") == true

Empty Function Example:

Missing Value Formula:

if(empty(prop("Name")), true, if(empty(prop("Inventory")), true, if(empty(prop("Shipped")), true, if(empty(prop("Delivered")), true, false))))

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Identify Page Of Missing Value(s)

Step 1: Insert Missing Value Formula

if(empty(prop("Name")), prop("Name"), if(empty(prop("Inventory")), prop("Name"), if(empty(prop("Shipped")), prop("Name"), if(empty(prop("Delivered")), prop("Name"), ""))))

Step 2 (optional): Filter

Missing Value :: Is not empty

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