๐ข CPI Discrepancy
With the help of this inflation calculator, I'm going to show you how to use datasets to make custom calculations in Notion. In this example, I use a dataset for inflation rates (CPI) from 1913 to March 2020. The calculator I build from it essentially asks what the rate of inflation is from one year to another.
How The Calculator Works
Select base year: relation to dataset
Select base CPI: rollup to Select base year
In this property, select either specific month in year or year average.
Select most recent year: relation to dataset
Select recent CPI: rollup to Select most recent year
In this property, select either specific month in year or year average.
Inflation Rate Discrepancy: formula
format("about ") + format(round(100 * (toNumber(prop("Select recent CPI")) - toNumber(prop("Select base CPI"))) / toNumber(prop("Select base CPI")) * 100) / 100) + "%"
Syntax result: about _%