☀️ Notion Navigation
This brief tutorial shows how to add navigation to Notion pages. There are a couple ways to go about organizing large wikis using features like "breadcrumb," "link to database," and "templates,” all of which can be placed in desired arrangements on the page (ie. above content, next to content, inside a toggle, etc.)
The Breadcrumb Method
Breadcrumbs (trigger: /breadcrumb) can be used for a quick linear navigation out of a page. What I mean by linear is a record of every navigable page from the first to the current. From left to right, the page hierarchy is displayed.
The breadcrumb in this instance is placed at the very top of the page.
Main "Notion Templates" page
"All Templates" page
Database within previous page
Lastly, current page inside database
Create Navigation With Linked Tag Wall
Use a linked database to quickly navigate through pages. Instead of placing a static tag wall inside the home page of your wiki that you must travel back and forth to access, place a link to the database at the top of every page (trigger: "/linkdata").
STEP 1: Create a tag wall.
STEP 2: Link tag wall (trigger: "/linkdata")
STEP 2.5: find tag wall by typing name of tag wall → search query will return in pop up as you type. Select tag wall.
STEP 3: Add gallery view. Click property view :: Card preview → none :: Card size → small.
STEP 4 (optional) : Filter linked database to meet desired navigation requirements. (This filter does not change original database.) *Note: add checkbox to tag wall in order to differentiate what you want visible in your nav bar and what to leave out as detailed in next step.
STEP 4.1 (optional): add checkbox property to tag wall → label it "Navigation." Check every page you want to appear in navigation.
STEP 4.2 (optional): filter only pages in tag wall that are marked for "Navigation." Click filter :: add Navigation/Is/Checked.
Automate Navigation With Template Button
Utilize the template button in Notion to automatically add a navigation bar at the top of every new entry to a database. There are two ways to create a template: