Database, Planning, Relations

Storyteller's Notion Template: Character Enneagram

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👨🏽 Character Development

The Enneagram is a chart that plots 9 specific personality traits in a 3x3 circular graph. Every trait has a common center. There are three traits in the Instinctive Center (Gut), three in the Feeling Center (Heart), and three in the Thinking Center (Head). Inside Notion, I created an enneagram database that connects to a database for character profiles.

Every point on the enneagram chart has a connection with two other points:

  • A stressor trait: when a character is in a particularly stressful situation, they will likely show similar attributes to this trait.

  • A healthy growth trait: when a character has a healthy development, they will likely show similar attributes to this trait.

The Enneagram Database Properties

  • Here, we have all the information as described in the chart above and a relation property connected to the character database called “Characters.”

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The Characters Database Properties

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Using The Enneagram Template

  • Simply, select the characters main trait. Every other property will automatically populate. (9).gif

Learn more about the enneagram chart here. All the best in customizing you character database.

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