
Save To Notion Webclipper: Create Content Playlists

✈️ Save Content

You can use the Save to Notion webclipper to create content playlists. I’m going to show you how I set up a webclipper form to remotely populate properties in a Notion database. In this example, we’ll create hubs of related content saved from the web to premade database templates.

Inside A Galleryview Is Each Playlist

  • Trigger: “/inline gallery”

  • Inside each “card” or playlist created is a parent-child relation (a relation that connects to its own database) that will allow for all saved content to reside within its corresponding playlist (synced both ways) like so:

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Create A Template Inside The Notion Database For Each Playlist

  • Check off or fill out all properties. For example..

    • The “parent” relation will always populate with the corresponding playlist.

    • A checkbox called “To Consume” will also be ticked

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Click to expand

Download The Save to Notion Extension

  • And create a separate form for each playlist. Here is an example of how I configured a Productivity form.

    • I make sure the template corresponds with the template in the database.

    • I also make sure, especially for video content, to also save page content.

    • Lastly, the lock icon next to each field can be toggled off to quick edit upon entering the form (as shown below)

Click to expand

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