Program Functions

Column Calculations In Notion: A Guide

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📈 Analyze Columns

Are you looking for ways to calculate column values in a Notion database? There are many options to do so. Below, I go through each calculation option based off of property type in plain english. This is not a solution for calculating column data with a formula. Find more on how to do that here.

Database Calculations: Table v. Boardview

The calculate feature isn’t just available in tableview. You can also calculate data in boardview based off a select property. In the image below and above, for instance, my boardview is categorized by weekday. Now, I can analyze progress in relation to the day of the week.

  • In tableview, calculate columns at the bottom of the table

  • In boardview, calculate columns at the top of the table

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Notion Calculation Options


Count All: Count all entries in a column

Count Values: Count all values in all column entries

  • ex. if entry is a “multi-select,” counts all tags applied

Count Unique Values: Count all values, excluding duplicates

  • ex. if select property displays 7 options and they are all applied, no matter the size of the column, the unique value count is 7.

Count Empty: All cells that are not populated.

  • remember: this does not apply to “unchecked” boxes.

Count Not Empty: All cells that are populate.

Percent Empty: Percentage empty in relation to total cells.

Percent Not Empty: Percentage populated in relation to total cells.


Checked: All cells that are checked.

Unchecked: All cells that are unchecked.

Percentage Checked: Percentage checked in relation to total cells.

Percentage Unchecked: Percentage unchecked in relation to total cells.



Earliest Date (See Above): Grabs the furthest date before today and returns a range from today in the following formats:

  • Displays “days” only up to 25

  • Then … displays “one month ago,” “two months ago,” etc.

Latest Date: Grabs the furthest date after today and returns a range from today.

Date Range: Finds the difference between the Earliest and Latest date, and returns the range.

  • ex. if the earliest date is Nov 2, 2020 and the latest is Nov 17, 2020, the range would display “15 days.”


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Sum: Add all values in a column.

Average: Find the average value of all values in a column.

Median: Find the middle value of all values in a column.

Why median? If data skews heavily to a high or low end in any point in time (of which may fluctuate), finding the median will not be as sensitive to these fluctuations.

Min: Find the lowest value in a column.

Max: Find the highest value in a column.

Range: Find the difference between the Min and Max values in a column.