🎆 Weekly Mood Monitor
I’ve been exploring different ways to create mood trackers inside Notion and found this simple approach to be both useful and easy to customization. Included is a simple table setup with seven properties for 5-star selections and a formula to average the week’s mood. Inside the title I insert the dates via “@” command.
*Note: there are no calendar options for this template due to the lack of date properties. One may add a date property in order to create a calendar view, however.
How The Template Works
How The Average Formula Works
If properties Monday … Sunday = empty, then show “Processing”
If addition of total stars >= 32, then show “🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 Top Of The World!”
If addition of total stars >= 25, then show “🌤🌤🌤🌤🌤🌤 A Great Week!”
If addition of total stars >= 18, then show “☔️☔️☔️☔️☔️☔️ Could Be Better!”
If addition of total stars >= 7, then show “☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ Not So Good!”