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Free Notion Template: Team Meeting Blueprint

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The Dashboard

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The Meetings Database

At the bottom of the dashboard, all the meetings are displayed in a database called “Meeting Schedule.” Included are properties that:

  • Record participants, leaders, and note-takers attending

  • Count how many people are attending

    • Formula: if(not empty(prop("Leaders")), length(replaceAll(prop("Leaders"), "[^,]", "")) + 1, 0) + if(not empty(prop("Participants")), length(replaceAll(prop("Participants"), "[^,]", "")) + 1, 0)

  • Find the "Status” that returns if a meeting date is Today, Tomorrow, In the coming week, In the future, or Cancelled. As well, if the meeting is in the past, it displays Archive.

    • Formula: if(not empty(prop("Date")), if(dateBetween(prop("Date"), now(), "days") < -1 and prop("Cancel") == false, "‡›Archive", if(prop("Cancel") == true, "🆇 Canceled", if(formatDate(now(), "MMM D, YYYY") == formatDate(prop("Date"), "MMM D, YYYY"), "⇧ Today", if(dateBetween(prop("Date"), now(), "days") == 0, "⌦ Tomorrow", if(dateBetween(prop("Date"), now(), "days") > 0 and dateBetween(prop("Date"), now(), "days") <= 5, "∆ On " + formatDate(prop("Date"), "dddd"), if(dateBetween(prop("Date"), now(), "days") == 6, "∆ Next " + formatDate(prop("Date"), "dddd"), "» In " + format(dateBetween(prop("Date"), now(), "days")) + " days")))))), "")

  • A checkbox to cancel a meeting

The Meeting Template (Body of Page)

Two relation properties connect the meetings notes to a the Discussion and Actionables databases.

You can access these databases from the linked databases that automatically appear when triggering a New Meeting template in the body of any meeting entry.

The Discussion Database

Above the Meetings Database is a link to the discussion topics added from every meeting.

Actionables Database

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Located at the top of the page is a pipeline that is populated when new tasks are added from a meeting.

When a task moves to Archive it disappears into an archived page located below the pipeline.

I hope this framework that displays how Notion can create funnels from discussion to to-do is helpful for your team’s needs.

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Further Reading

See this gallery in the original post