Collect Maps In Notion: Automatically Find Latitude And Longitude
The Database In Action: Saving Maps
ConfigurE The Database In Notion
There are four properties in my maps database. Before connecting to the Save to Notion form, this database needs to be made:
Latitude: formula
Longitude: formula
Parent Location: formula
link: url
Find The Latitude And Longitude From A Google Maps URL
These formulas rely on just one other property. That is a link property with the google maps url. It is called “link.”
Latitude: Formula property
if(not empty(prop("Place")), if(toNumber(replace(replace(replace(replace(prop("link"), ".*/@", ""), "/data=.*", ""), "(,[^,]*)$", ""), ",.*", "")) < 0, replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(prop("link"), ".*/@", ""), "/data=.*", ""), "(,[^,]*)$", ""), ",.*", ""), "-", "") + "º S", replace(replace(replace(replace(prop("link"), ".*/@", ""), "/data=.*", ""), "(,[^,]*)$", ""), ",.*", "") + "º N"), "")
Longitude: Formula property
if(not empty(prop("Place")), if(toNumber(replace(replace(replace(replace(prop("link"), ".*/@", ""), "/data=.*", ""), "(,[^,]*)$", ""), ".*,", "")) < 0, replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(prop("link"), ".*/@", ""), "/data=.*", ""), "(,[^,]*)$", ""), ".*,", ""), "-", "") + "º W", replace(replace(replace(replace(prop("link"), ".*/@", ""), "/data=.*", ""), "(,[^,]*)$", ""), ".*,", "") + "º E"), "")
Find Parent Location From A Google Maps URL
This formula will tell me what country or region a particular city resides.
Parent Location: Formula property
replaceAll(replace(replaceAll(replaceAll(replace(replace(replace(prop("link"), "/@.*", ""), ".*place/", ""), ".*?,+", ""), "[0-9]", ""), ",", ""), ".*?[+]", ""), "[+]", " ")
Configure Save To Notion Form
I'm using Save to Notion extension to collect maps from Google Maps. How my form is configured in the extension is shown below:
Step 1: Locate Add to: Find your database to collect maps
Step 2: Check off Clip Page Content. This will save a map embed to the body of the page
Extra Tip: The latitude and longitude, of course, are approximate. Moving the map in the browser before saving with your cursor will alter these coordinates.