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Notion Formula: Find Percentage Of Complete Checkboxes

Checkbox Formula

round(100 * (unaryPlus(prop("Discuss")) + unaryPlus(prop("Procedures")) + unaryPlus(prop("Review")) + unaryPlus(prop("Final"))) / 4) / 100

  • Find the sum of all checkboxes:

    • round(100 * (unaryPlus(prop("Discuss")) + unaryPlus(prop("Procedures")) + unaryPlus(prop("Review")) + unaryPlus(prop("Final"))) / 4) / 100

  • Divide the sum by the number of checkboxes:

    • round(100 * (unaryPlus(prop("Discuss")) + unaryPlus(prop("Procedures")) + unaryPlus(prop("Review")) + unaryPlus(prop("Final"))) / 4) / 100

  • Round the entire calculation with the “round” function:

    • round(100 * (unaryPlus(prop("Discuss")) + unaryPlus(prop("Procedures")) + unaryPlus(prop("Review")) + unaryPlus(prop("Final"))) / 4) / 100

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