Red Gregory

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How To Build A Timeline With Notion Board View

The Setup

I created a “Time Period” select property in intervals of 49 years and created “Decade” cards underneath.

One relation property is created (Years). Upon creation, I chose the current database I am in (Timeline), and selected “Connect Both Ways.” This allows for a parent property to appear (Decade).

Next, I add all 10 years inside decade card. (or years that are applicable in relation to my notes)

Upon clicking an individual year, the decade property will auto-populate in relation to the year.

Connect The Timeline To Multiple Notes!

In this example, I want to connect a database of “Events” in history and “People” in history, both in separate databases, to my timeline (create a separate relation property to “timeline” for each property). I want to connect:

  • The year(s) the event occured

  • The year the person was born and the year they died

*Note: People and Events are also connected to each other in this example.

Lastly, I hop over to my timeline, search for the corresponding years, and see my timeline grow!

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