Notion Template: A Cycling Route Tracker
What The Template Looks Like
The Math Behind Calories Burned
MET scores for cycling can be found here.
The Notion formula equivalent
if(prop("Avg. mph") < 8, round(4.5 * prop("Weight (pounds)") * .453 * 3.5 / 200 * 60), if(prop("Avg. mph") < 11, round(6 * prop("Weight (pounds)") * .453 * 3.5 / 200 * 60), if(prop("Avg. mph") < 13, round(8 * prop("Weight (pounds)") * .453 * 3.5 / 200 * 60), if(prop("Avg. mph") < 15, round(10 * prop("Weight (pounds)") * .453 * 3.5 / 200 * 60), if(prop("Avg. mph") < 17, round(12 * prop("Weight (pounds)") * .453 * 3.5 / 200 * 60), if(prop("Avg. mph") < 19, round(14 * prop("Weight (pounds)") * .453 * 3.5 / 200 * 60), if(prop("Avg. mph") > 19, round(16 * prop("Weight (pounds)") * .453 * 3.5 / 200 * 60), 0)))))))
The Breakdown In Relation To Formula
*Note: every if statement only changes the MET score and AVG. mph, of which you can find data for at the above link (MET scores).
if(prop("Avg. mph") < 8, round(4.5 * prop("Weight (pounds)") * .453 * 3.5 / 200 * 60)
if(prop("Avg. mph") < 8
If average miles per hour is UNDER 8 ...
round(4.5 *
then ROUND UP the following calculation → "Met Score" MULTIPLIED by ...
prop("Weight (pounds)") * .453
weight in kg → which is "weight in pounds" MULTIPLIED by .453 ...
* 3.5 / 200
then MULTIPLY by 3.5 and DIVIDE by 200 ...
* 60)
lastly, MULTIPLY by 60